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How to Improve your Innovation ROI with Early Stage Patent Expertise: In Depth Management Article

This article, How to Improve your Innovation ROI with Early Stage Patent Expertise,  was published in late 2010 as a pay for download article in Innovation Management Magazine.  It later became free for download, and I can share it with readers in this link.  I hope those responsible for creating value from IP in their organizations can find the insights in this article helpful.  Here is a synopsis:

Innovation teams are often removed organizationally from a company’s patent matters. This can mean that corporate innovation processes move forward with little or no consideration of whether competitors can legally “knock off” the resulting consumer offering. Companies may then not attain expected ROI because competitors can legally copy the innovation—be it a product, technology or otherwise—without incurring legal liability. It may not always be necessary to protect innovation

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This blog is back in town!

A bit more than a year of effort as a CEO of a battery charging startup has taken me away from this blog.   It was, and remains, an incredible journey.  As we move ever more close to commercialization of our battery charging technology, I will be posting more in the coming weeks and months (after a well-deserved vacation starting next week).   We have learned much in the last year about getting a new technology to market, especially as it relates to building a team, fundraising and finding technology and licensing partners.  I will likely be cross-posting on another blog site.  But in the meantime, I am posting some articles on creating value from IP (this is the IP Asset Maximizer Blog after all) that readers may find interesting.